Previous incidents

October 2023
Oct 17, 2023
1 incident

Dosespot Latency Issue affecting Cases queue

Resolved Oct 17 at 11:26pm CDT

A Dosespot issue has greatly increased the latency to call all Dosespot API endpoints, which resulted in increased our latency on encounter-related endpoints.

We'll be issuing a change to further decouple our cases queue from Dosespot but prescription submission will still be impacted until Dosespot fixes the issue on their end.

Update: change has been released. Encounters list and encounter details should be restored.

Update: Dosespot issue have been resolved. ...

September 2023
Sep 15, 2023
1 incident

Degraded performance on some endpoints

Resolved Sep 15 at 09:16am CDT

Our team is working on an issue that's causing degraded performance while loading encounters on the Clinicians App.

August 2023
Aug 09, 2023
1 incident

Increased latency on Production API

Resolved Aug 09 at 01:25pm CDT

Our servers are experiencing increased loads and latency across all of our production products. Our engineering team is investigating the root cause.